A review by pomochi
The Art of Not Breathing by Sarah Alexander


4 Stars.

DISCLAIMER: I received a free e-ARC from the publisher via Net Galley.

The Art of Not Breathing is a gripping, raw novel about a 16 year old girl as she uncovers the mystery behind her twin brother's death. As she learns more about that day, Elsie stumbles upon many other secrets that had been hidden for years. The main thing that drew me to this book was the cover, and the description that it was similar to I'll Give You the Sun, which I read last year and really enjoyed. I am not disappointed with The Art of Not Breathing, but I didn't really care much for the characters. They were all pretty unlikable. I didn't really feel any connection with Elsie, which made this story a lot less emotional than it could have been. It's been a couple weeks since I read this book, and I have to admit that none of the characters have really stuck with me. I didn't feel a connection with them while reading the book, and I don't really remember their distinct personalities now.

However, the mystery of this book compensated for this lack of empathy. When I think of this book, I will always remember the raw, spiraling mystery that unfolded before my eyes. Sarah Alexander crafted an extremely interesting mystery, and I loved how the reader was shown little clues and we were left to piece everything together until the end, when everything was revealed slowly. I also thought the reveal was done really well because it was a gradual process of Elsie making all the connections, and, as a reader, I felt like I was there with her as she discovered all these details. This book made me feel as if I were underwater, and everything around me is distorted and foggy, but eventually, when I resurface, everything is clear.

If you are looking for an intriguing mystery, I definitely recommend picking up The Art of Not Breathing when it comes out on April 26!