A review by artemishi
Whedonistas: A Celebration of the Worlds of Joss Whedon by the Women Who Love Them by Jackie Kessler, Laurel Brown, Jeanne C. Stein, Catherynne M. Valente, Heather Shaw, Elizabeth Bear, Kelly Hale, Mariah Huehner, Racheline Maltese, Nancy Holder, Jody Wurl, NancyKay Shapiro, Sharon Shinn, Seanan McGuire, Jaala Robinson, Priscilla Spencer, Jamie Craig, Sigrid Ellis, Lyda Morehouse, Dae S. Low, Deborah Stanish, Sarah Monette, Maria Lima, Caroline Symcox, Lynne M. Thomas, Teresa Jusino, Emma Bull, Meredith McGrath, Jenn Reese


In all honesty, half of the essays I greatly enjoyed (they made me ponder, made me laugh, made me do some self-reflection of my own), and half were uninteresting (I don't actually care how Jane Doe came to adore Buffy and her memories about it, when there's no larger context for the information or way to relate it to something relevant in my life). I wish there were more essays about Whedon's other works, but apparently everyone is a Buffy fanatic (although, thankfully, there was a balance of a little bit of Angel, Firefly, Doctor Horrible, and Dollhouse...just not enough for a good balance).

I miss the Mad Norwegian Press pop culture books that were primarily educational and entertaining, as opposed to a collection of fond remembrances of strangers (or am I confusing them with PopSmart Books?), but for a Whedon fan, this is worth reading through once.

Standout essays include those from: Teresa Jusino, Sigrid Ellis, Elizabeth Bear, Sarah Monette, and Emma Bull