A review by goblin_reaper
The Secret of the Spa by Carolyn Keene


“Something stinks in this spa, and if I can't sniff it out, my name is not Nancy….”

When someone is trying to take the 'luxury' out of the otherwise luxurious, new spa, Nancy Drew must save the day again. Nancy, her best friends, Bess and George, enter the new spa in town on its Grand Opening Day, something which has been the talk of their little, sleepy town for months. However, Nancy's inner sleuth comes out to play when their day turns into not-so relaxing after all– someone's tampering with the food, turning up the temperature at the wrong place, protesters are protecting outside the spa, there is sabotage going on work, and on top of that George is acting unusually grouchy. It is chaos, and it's up to Nancy to settle everything down.
Nancy Drew has always had a special place in my heart. It's amusing how I used to put my greedy hands on any and every Nancy Drew book at my school library. Unlike most of these books I've read, this one was completely from the protagonist's point of view. It was a little strange reading it that way but enjoyable nonetheless. The crew searching for the clues and Nancy's cleverness was fun to read. Not to mention, Dierdre's attitude and Thomas Jr.'s shenanigans were pretty funny too.
George's weird behavior was on the top of my mind from the start and I was itching to find out why she was acting so. By halfway, I even started thinking she might be connected to the sabotaging of the spa somehow. However, I was disappointed to learn the actual reason in the end. To be honest, I was not satisfied with the way the plot turned out at the end. I was waiting for the culprit to delve into a crazy explanation of why they did everything but I was severely discontented by then.
Another thing that irritated me was the repetitions. Nancy (in her pov) repeats that George was acting unusual and it wasn't the way she normally is, like a broken record. I got it that she doesn't act that way usually but do something about it, Nancy! Or give me more, different insights on her behavior. I think the author made the mistake of letting George's behavior confuse us more and more as the ploy moved, only to be dissatisfied at the end.
However, this book is for children so I think it works for them. I had no problem with it a couple of years ago, though looking back now I am stupefied with how I could be satisfied with such an ending to a book. But little kids like simple things, so it does a good job with them, I think. I am thankful for Nancy Drew's stories for building my love for books from a young age and it's nice to hear similar things from fellow bookworms on the internet.