A review by kfriend
Best Kept Secret by Skye Warren


And so we have the epic conclusion to the Rochester trilogy, this fantastic modern day re-imagining of the story of Jane Eyre. Best Kept Secret may be full of secrets and suspense, but Skye Warren delivers a satisfying and thoughtful answer in this conclusion to the saga of Jane and her Mr. Rochester. From start to finish, this is a page turner, entertaining and consuming.

From the beginning, Skye has woven a story that is atmospherically consuming- evoking the gothic tone and tenor of Bronte’s original in a way both nostalgically referential but clever and fresh. The unsettling and complicated and long buried family secrets, dark secrets, a imposing manor-type house precariously isolated on a misty cliff, the subtle moments of terror embused in the suspense, and cast of brooding and perplexing characters has given the Rochester Trilogy the same gothic flair that made Bronte’s work so maddeningly transfixing. And as I’ve said before, Skye Warren’s take on romantic suspense is perfectly poised to deliver on a story that embodies that tone, she’s an author who has excelled at atmospheric, romantic and suspenseful story telling.

The dark sensuality, the gothic suspense, the foreboding melancholy- they are only heightened in this finale. A finale that begins with a ghost coming back to life, a dejected and rejected Jane trapped in the middle of corrupt elite machinations, and the broody Rochester trying to find reconcile his altruistic need to protect those he cares for with secrecy and distance, while his heart screams from its cage to lean into the a once in a lifetime love that is just at his fingertips. The plot moves quickly, the romance is consuming and heart wrenching, the twists are plenty, and the angst is thicker than the fog on the cliffs. But the story is also deliciously straightforward- we have suspense and surprises, but the narrative stays focused, the tension is high while the emotions are substantive- a plot both simple and rich. And wildly entertaining- it’s a story you read in one sitting.

Where this story shines the most, though, is in the subtle ways Skye harkens back to the evocative and poignant themes of the classic- a story that was about the coming of age of the titular character- Jane herself. Bronte’s Jane Eyre was subversively, and subtly- rebellious, an exploration of themes of her time. Poverty, class struggle, the construct of family, the power of love, elitist privilege are all thematically woven throughout Bronte’s journey, and what a beautiful parallel Sky weaves. All of these themes somehow shine in this story- yet they don’t feel derivative or emulative. They feel like Skye- and they play out in the character evolution of our characters so subtly but transformatively, and authentically. And that nexus of thematic relevance and character journey is just what makes this trilogy so layered. Bronte’s version, while moody and gothic is tone, is resplendent in the evolution of the young governess- the destitute, societally restricted orphan who finds her voice, who discovers herself. And that character journey is brilliantly captured here, in this, Best Kept Secret soars. Because at the core of this compelling and entertaining story of a girl becoming the woman she wants to be- of our Jane finding her independence. Skye so clearly gives us parallels- oh, we have secrets galore, this story is brimming with them. Twists, unexpected surprises, even some blossoming romance I didn’t anticipate. But the Best Kept Secret of all is that of Jane herself- and of the POWER she’s found in love and family. Because after all the drama, the secrets, her adversity and her push-pull with the elusive Mr. Rochester, Jane has found HERSELF. And what a beautiful sight it is to behold-- to see the once lost and reluctant nanny become the empowered author of her own fate. To see her find her independence, while she also finds her long searched for home and family. THAT is the essence of the Jane of old- and Skye paints it beautifully, in her own way, for our Jane.

Of course, our other characters have a moment to shine. Beau, the once capricious newly devoted lover just had me swooning left and right. He’s devoted and protective, thoughtful- and so wildly in love with our Jane. His moody and tortured sacrifice becomes the catalyst for his own growth, he’s a man newly alive with his own aspirations. The chemistry in this third book is the swooniest- an epic love and devotion that has to weather their complicated situation, and that has to grow and evolve as they both figure themselves out as individuals. And our secondary characters challenge and engage as well- most notably our darling little ward, Paige, who also finds herself a bit more in this finale. All are tested by their unexpected adversity- by a reality they never anticipated they’d find themselves in. It’s a plot that keeps the pages turning, but also feels fulfilling in its character depth, sincere and sentimental even.

This trilogy has hands down been my favorite work from Skye Warren to date- not only is it action packed and full of the sensual passion I love her for, but I’ve loved watching her explore these characters and themselves with such effortless finesse. I’m glad Jane and Rochester finally have all the proverbial secrets out of the attic- what a thrill to finally see a bit of light breaking through the misty horizon, and for there to be a bit of peace up on the cliff.