A review by anotherhalima
Seven Minutes in Heaven by Eloisa James

i liked the dynamic between all the characters esp the kids and the adults but the ending didnt have enough groveling imo. the reason why the third act break up happens is a very reasonable one and i think it takes way more than what he did to prove hes sorry tbh
Spoileri dont think screaming you love someone in a public place is an apology for telling someone they dont deserve to be your wife bec they are not a lady but then start wanting them after you realize she is

anyway now im just curious of all the older characters relationship so im going backwards to read about the parents

okay i read the [b:A Duke of Her Own|6049962|A Duke of Her Own (Desperate Duchesses, #6)|Eloisa James|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1305075069l/6049962._SY75_.jpg|6225596] after this and there is a part of this story about edwards mom that has been adjusted and as someone whos binging this series it was not fun. im happy i read this before the prequel. they didnt even seem like the same ppl. if that doesnt bother you then go ahead and read this book
Spoilerbasically edwards grandmother is dead when we meet his mom in a duke of her own so the whole time i felt weird bec in this book the whole story is that wards mom was the way she is bec his grandma is so strict to the point of suffocation which wasnt the case... she was dead lol okay ill stop but it just hit me that it was same ppl yeah im glad i read this first