A review by beardedbarista
Millersville by Brendan Detzner


I wrote a huge review on this book and somehow deleted it... frustration.

This book took a bit for me to get into and some of the characters were hard for me to follow at the beginning. Things smoothed out about 75% through though and I started to see where the book was heading. (just went ahead and saved the review at this point in case I hit whatever button it was that deleted the last one). I really started to like the Nelson character and he has a great quote on page 183. I got a pdf of this book so may be a different page on other formats but you will know what line I am talking about because it is bad ass. The story seemed to have a great perspective since it felt like a post apocalyptic story but instead of the characters being in the thick of it this was different because it was from the lives of people on the outskirts of it and we never hear their stories... I may be wrong about the apocalypse part but thats what I got and I liked that idea I formulated :)
[a:Brendan Detzner|5756547|Brendan Detzner|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1442619280p2/5756547.jpg] is a great author and glad he picked me to review this and his other book[b:Beasts: 16 More Weird Stories|26155898|Beasts 16 More Weird Stories|Brendan Detzner|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1440404587s/26155898.jpg|46113362] which I promise I will finish soon. It is on a weird drop box format and aggravating to read on my phone.
Check this guy and his books out!

Thanks Much Love,