A review by nonna7
A Song for the Dying, by Stuart MacBride


I've been a fan of Stuart Macbride's for a long time although somehow I missed the firs book in this series. This is a follow up to a previous novel featuring Ash Henderson who was investigating a serial murder, lost his own daughter to that murderer and was framed for a crime he didn't commit by Mrs. Kerrigan, a local gangster, has her thugs beat him up so often that he can't get out of prison because he is considered a risk. However, suddenly he is sprung by an up and coming police officer who is putting together a special squad. They still haven't found Inside Man who killed several women in a particularly horrific manner. He gets out, but plans revenge. I have to say that I found this to be particularly bloody and long winded. I found myself skipping large parts at the end which seemed unnecessary. Is Mr. Macbride being paid by the word? I hope he returns to his familiar characters soon, and that he tames his blood thirsty instincts. There's a saying that "less is more." He should heed it.