A review by jbrooxd
Cape by Kate Hannigan


[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]

Thoroughly enjoyed this historic fantasy story full of superheroes and super powers, but set during a version of WWII with supers. I loved the historic pieces about the real women who worked on the first electronic computer (The Eniac Six). Fascinating author's note in the back about the historically accurate pieces she wove into the story. Great list of resources so readers can learn more about the history of comics, women's roles during WWII, and women in technology as well as other topics. The diverse group of girls who lead this story - one Irish, one African American and one Japanese - introduce a little of the racial issues of the time, too.

The structure of this one is interesting - mostly prose but with 4 sections told in comic book panels/art. The art is a nice visual anchor for some of the superhero action. It's a clever idea that fits the book so well. Don't miss this one!! Looking forward to book 2 already.