A review by toto7
Prized, by Caragh M. O'Brien


I found this to be an extraordinary second book. We don't follow the problems of the Enclave anymore, but that wasn't a problem. We have a whole new thing to worry about.
Gaia... *sign* she is like that annoying little sister who always gets on your nerves. She is, like, emotionless!! Like a rock! She doesn't think about the feelings of others or that she might be hurting them, and that reaaaally bother me. I wanted to punch her. DON'T YOU SEE LEON LOVES YOU?! And what do you do?! NOTHING! You just... UGH. Get out.
Leon is awesome. I just love him. In the first book you just get see the side of him that is distant, but in this book he really shows his love for Gaia. He is sweet and smart and so good with Gaia. <3 <3
I can't wait to read the final book!