A review by ladywithaquill
The Enforcer by Abigail Owen


This felt different from the other books in the series, in a new and exciting way! It felt like a turning point in the series, and I love that it signals even more wonderful books full of daring women and courageous men...dragons. The history behind the heroine was particularly interesting, hearing about her family and their way of life, inserting the normal into the paranormal storyline. Each story continues to capture my attention and make me wish for it to be real.

Camilla Carrillo was saved by a dragon...but all she remembers are dreams too wild to believe. Only they become more believable as weird things begin to happen around here. Fires start, seemingly out of thin air, and they seem to be ignited by her. Approached by a man who claims to be able to help her, she has no choice but to leave with him if only to save her family from the danger she might bring to them. Once safely in hiding, she learns she is a dragon's mate, only they don't know which dragon until she meets him. But what if she already has? Drake is dying, his body failing, and all hope of finding his mate in time to save his life has been lost. When he sees Camilla for the second time, he recognizes that she could save him. Only by saving him, she could be dooming herself to die with him. And that he cannot allow.

Camilla was a heroine every woman can be proud of - she held her own, stood up for what she wanted, and she didn't take Drake's crap. She recognized that he was all bark and no bite...so to speak...and his stubborn nature would get him killed. I loved how she continued to come back to him, even when he would be rude and disrespectful, because she saw it for what it was. He was trying to protect himself and her, and once he recognized that they could be mates, it got even worse. To others he might appear selfish and misguided, but his actions were born of love and desperation. It was really quite humbling to read, as his was a character who was both strong of mind and weak of heart. He needed Camilla to make his heart strong as well. They needed each other, and when they finally acknowledged that fact, it made for a beautiful romance.

The next book is, of course, going to be amazing! I can't wait to read it and learn more about the fiery world of dragons, their mates, and the newly discovered family of phoenixes.

**I received a free copy via NetGalley and this is my honest review.**