A review by taylordoddridge
An Unexpected Gift: A Hot Dam Homes Christmas by Harper Robson


Funny story about this novella. I was in bed at 9 P.M. reading this story, while my sister was drunk off her ass in a whole other country. Keep in mind that I am 22 years old AND my sister is younger than me! I am far too young to be acting like such a grandma. And you know what the wacky thing is?? I’m convinced that I was having a better time than her because this story was so good, and I devoured it the moment I turned my kindle on. You must read it if I thought a sweet story is better than partying. But anyway, now that you all know that I am lame, onto the review.

This was such a sweet Christmas novella. I loved the premise of this story. Two men have a knock-your-socks-off hookup and one of the men sneaks out the morning after. The two men go a whole year thinking about each other, and then they happen to find themselves snowed in together at the same cabin a year later. Fate is a sneaky woman. God bless her. Ohhhh also add in the fact that one of the men thought he was straight before the previously mentioned knock-your-socks-off hookup???? It was a no-brainer that I would enjoy this story. It was spectacular.

I loved the characters in this. Case and Matt were sweethearts that needed each other desperately. While this story was short, I didn’t feel like it was rushed. Their feelings came naturally, and it was like they knew each other forever instead of the week they were stuck in the cabin together. I wish the story was longer, so I could have got more of them.

I’m always going to mention the sex. Never fear. I was pleasantly surprised with the sex in this novella. The sex in short stories are usually hit or miss. It’s a delicate balance because too much and you get tired of reading it, and too little and you’re disappointed. This was perfect. You could totally see how in tune Matt and Case were with each other from the get-go. And it was YUMMY! Honestly, it was so good. Very sweet and sexy, and I enjoyed it a lot.

This was my first read from this author, and I am definitely going to check out more of her work. If she can do this well with a little novella, I would like to see how she does with a full length book. Please read this story!! Peace, love, and sex in a hot tub xoxoxoxo.