A review by asocialcris
Temptation by Robin Covington


A cross between the TV show Nashville and one of my all time favorite movies, Notting Hill, Robin Covington’s Temptation is a fun and spicy mixture of sex, melodrama, and fairytale.

Kit Landry is a 21-year-old music star walking the tight rope as she aims to redeem herself after very public bald-Britney type meltdown. She has a load of responsibility to shoulder, and she’s struggling to balance her obligations with her personal dreams. She’s melting under the pressure (literally, melting; the opening scene was awesome!) when she’s rescued by sexy-as-f*** firefighter Max Butler.

“I’m dead.”
“No ma’am; you’re okay. You’ll be fine.”
“Nope. I’m dead.” I pointed at him with a shaky finger, “Because anybody as beautiful as you must be an angel.”
I heard laughter as everything went blank.

Max is swoon-worthy, panty dropping, player with a bruised heart and a White Knight complex. He’s got a big d*** and a dirty mouth, and he knows how to use both. If you’re looking for two characters with blazing chemistry, then you’ll love this book. An added bonus is the fact that it’s much more. These two characters have heart. Kit and Max have pasts that haunt them, and make them careful of trusting and loving another person. Their relationship begins as a casual thing, but any romance fanatic (me!) knows that that never works. Once they both start getting invested, that’s when the story gets good.

“He was it for me. He could be – was – my everything.”

-Make love to her
Not just sex.
Oh hell. I’m in trouble.

This story was told using a dual POV, and I loved it. Getting to see both Max and Kit’s perspectives added depth to the story. Personally, I would’ve liked to delve even more into their pasts to get a deeper feel for their motivations, but then again, I love pain and angst. I’ve read four other books by this author so I know that isn’t her style, and hell, not every book has to be an emotional battlefield. I loved this book for what it was; an enjoyable, raunchy, surprisingly tender love story about two people reluctant to fall in love. I’d recommend this book to anyone who loves rom-coms and fantasizes about a ridiculously sexy fireman throwing them over their shoulder, and hauling them off to bed to f*** them senseless. So, basically everyone ;)