A review by booksandchicks
Atomic Anna, by Rachel Barenbaum


The idea of this book had such great potential! Time travel, saving lives, stopping the Chernobyl catastrophe, a comic book that depicts real life, and a generation of women working together to change the past.

What I got instead was a big jumble of not understanding what was going on, science and math in the time travel that wasn’t explained-I wanted more on that, a comic book that was never fully developed to enhance the story. We were given a lot of great ideas but they never quite hit home in the completion department.

I was left feeling confused most of the book. I had a hard time knowing what the goal of the stories were. I was really mad at a certain incident at the end that I’m still mad about. At the final end-I was left underwhelmed. To top it off it was much longer at 450 pages than I felt it needed to be.

I really can see a great author with some great ideas, I just needed more clarification and better direction.

Thank you to NetGalley and Grand Central Publishing for an advance e-copy in return for my honest opinion.