A review by talamak
Horizon Storms by Kevin J. Anderson


The story kept me hooked but by the end of it I felt like not a whole lot had happened. There are so many plotlines and point of view characters that although some significant events occurred, overall it feels like this book was just moving the plot along and setting up for bigger things later on.

The plot itself is amazing as always. The characters are good, though with some of the minor characters we get information unnecessary to the plot and unnecessary to the character's development. For one character in particular, Anderson regularly revisits his past despite it having little to no relevance to how he behaves and reacts to things - this character is introduced and killed off in this book, making me think the author only included the past and referenced it so often in order to flesh out the chapters (unnecessarily).

Even though this book was captivating enough for me to finish in a matter of days, I feel that my interest came from my desire to solve the mysteries of the first two books; on its own merits this book isn't great (not bad by any stretch though!).