A review by urlphantomhive
Supreme: Blue Rose by Warren Ellis


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No, I didn't like it. The only thing that saved the rating a little bit was the artwork that I felt had something to it.

I'd try to explain what exactly was happening, but since I'm not sure myself, I can't promise anything. Diana is hired by a very wealthy man to investigate a mysterious crash. Oh, and something with alternate universes.

Apparently this is a reboot/continuation from a series from the '90s that I didn't know existed until really recently. This might be the reason why I didn't understand the story and only thought it to be very chaotic and all over the place. I recently read the first volume of Trees also by Warren Ellis and although that was also chaotic at points, I liked it a lot better.

Would not recommend this one.

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!