A review by bookbae96
Burning Bond by Emma Hart


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Noelle Bond and her fiancé Drake have finally taken a much-needed vacation, leaving Bek in charge of Bond P.I., and Bek is sure that she'll screw it up in like, oh, zero seconds. But with the help of the rest of the office gang, things are actually going all right. Until. Yep, always that one little word. Before she knows it, Bek finds herself right in the middle of one heck of a scary case, and soon both Brody Bond, Noelle's policeman brother, and Bek's longtime crush, and Jason Walters, FBI agent, and Bek's sometime boyfriend, are going head to head to solve it.

I absolutely love the Holly Woods series by author Emma Hart. Emma manages to bring it every single time, to write a story that both engages and entertains non-stop. The fact that there is a lot of kick-butt mystery solving mixed in with the romance, characters that are larger than life (yes, Nonna, I'm talking about you!), sexy heroes and women that aren't afraid to say what's what, all combine to make this one of my favorite series to read.

Although she figures prominently in all of the books in the series, BURNING BOND is truly Bek's story. When Bek becomes a prime witness in a series of shocking crimes, she puts herself right in harm's way. Both Brody and Jason, never the best of friends, and even less so recently because of their feelings for Bek, are working to solve the case before more people die.

One of the reasons that this book, and series, is such a win for me is the personalities of the characters. They are vibrant, funny, snarky, and strong, and the dialogue is truly a testament to Emma's skill as an author. She's created a world that it's both easy and enjoyable to get lost in, and keeps me coming back time and again.

The triangle between Bek, Brody, and Jason finally gets resolved in BURNING BOND, so, yay! I mean, while it's kind of hot the way that the two alpha-y guys have been fighting over her in their own way, it's nice to see Bek with the one that she truly belongs with. Because, heat? Oh, yeah. Love? Loads of it. Emma has brought her usual A-game with this book, which is an easy 5-star read, one that should definitely be added to your TBR, along with the rest of the series. And, get cracking with that, because TWINED BOND, the 7th and final book in the Holly Woods series releases just next month, and you wouldn't want to be unprepared for that. Happy reading!

***ARC generously provided for an honest review.***