A review by booksofmyshka
Flame in the Mist by Renée Ahdieh


I was provided with an e-arc of this book by Netgalley and was super excited to read it. The Wrath and The Dawn is one of my favorite duologies so I was hoping this book would be just as good. Unfortunately, it took me two weeks to get through.

This book was kind of a Six of Crows situation for me. The story was good, but to me it felt kind of.. flat. I missed the magic that the TWATD duology possesses, what made those books so wonderful. Flame In The Mist did not have that. It has the potential for me to love the characters, but it felt like Ahdieh just missed her shot with me. The writing style was immediately identified as Ahdieh’s, but yet again, something felt off.

It took me two weeks to plough through this book, even though the story was not bad at all. But whenever I put the book down, I just did not feel like picking it up again. I’ve seen a lot of people give it 5 stars, and for the story I’m still giving it 3 stars, but that’s it. It’s sad, because I absolutely loved TWATD and was hoping to love this one too. But alas, it was not meant to be.