A review by patchworkbunny
Waiting for Doggo by Mark Mills


Awww, poor Doggo, everyone keeps calling him ugly. I’m not sure I’ve ever looked at a dog and thought they were ugly, even if do have mismatched body parts. Anyway, I did like the parts about Doggo but, despite what the marketing blurb says, he’s not the star of the show. It’s really a story about Dan, a freshly single, advertising man.

There was a point in my life where I might have enjoyed the ad agency storyline more but I found myself not really caring about Dan’s work. When they get the pitch for the ugly but functional car, it’s so obvious what’s that is set up for. They didn’t come across as very clever creatives for taking so much time over it. Dan jumping into bed with his ex’s sister straight away also got me off on the wrong foot. It just felt a bit off, especially for a book that I was expecting to be about a lovable dog. It’s not even like Doggo causes that much trouble.

Doggo does have some great moments though. His story is a sad one and he’s clearly an intelligent little dog. Dan decides he can’t possibly hand him back because that means the snip. He couldn’t do that to a fellow male. Actually Doggo’s a little bit laddish himself at times, including a crush on Jennifer Anniston. Maybe Waiting for Doggo is meant to be a doggy book for blokes.

I’ve seen a lot of bloggers really love this book, which makes my disappointment greater. It’s an easy read but was lacking that fuzzy feeling I’d expect from an underdog story.

Review copy provided by publisher.