A review by red_steele
Libertie by Kaitlyn Greenidge


1. True book rating 3.5 stars.

2. The voice actor Channie Waites provided a four star performance (her French accent can be improved).

3. This is the first book I read by Kaitlyn Greenidge. The author is talented and writes in a beautiful lyrical style. The book explores the topics of colorism, misogyny, racism, equality and religion.

4. The title of the book “Libertie” is fitting, because Greenidge explores the notion of what it means to possess true freedom.

5. Through the character Ben Daisy, the author illustrates how freedom from the shackles of slavery is not enough if the mind remains in bondage.

6. The relationship between Libertie and her mother Cathy, a practicing physician, is complex and multi-layered, and the true love story captured in the novel. Libertie was never given the freedom (by her mother) to explore life and find her true purpose and passion in life. At a young age, there was an expectation for Libertie to become a physician and join her mother’s practice. Because Libertie lived a “rudderless” existence, a chasm or void formed in her life which ultimately results in a marriage of desperation.

7. The ironic portion of the book is when Libertie married and moved with her husband to Haiti. Libertie thought she would be afforded a new life of true freedom and equality in Haiti compared to the United States, however that did not occur.

8. Overall I enjoyed this novel and look forward to future works by Kaitlyn Greenidge.