A review by ltg584
Fractured by Erin Hayes


So, the first 40% or so of this book is deceptive. It was definitely creepy, but it was a little slow, filled with character building and a whack load of foreshadowing. I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop. I wasn’t even going to put a content warning on the book at that point, because the language was mild, and it wasn’t even violent.

Well… CONTENT WARNING ADDED! It’s amazing how much more we swear when a demon starts to toy with us! And the gore just keeps on coming! Body count? MASSIVE! Once the story reached that pivotal scene, shit got real serious, real fast!

I loved the pivoting character views. The scenes went back and forth between a handful of characters, so it gave me a solid hold on what was going on in various story threads. They each had a unique voice and it was great to know what was going through everyone’s heads. Bathsheba (Bash) is the main character, or at least the one I felt most connected to. She went blind when she was three, so now we have the added terror of removing and augmenting senses. Bash can’t see the horror, but she can hear things scraping in the walls. *shivers* I’m not sure which I would prefer! On the plus side, you wouldn’t have to see the blood and pus, but you also couldn’t see what’s coming for you!

All of the characters kept breaking all the key rules on how to survive a horror story! No wonder they kept dying! ;) I kept screaming at the book “STOP SPLITTING UP! DON’T OPEN THAT DOOR! Stupid characters deserve everything that’s coming to them… but don’t kill THAT character! HEY! I liked her!”

Honestly, I wasn’t sure how Erin could possibly wrap everything up and not leave me completely pissed off that she killed all the wrong people. And yet? She actually managed it. I’m okay with it. It feels right. *deep cleansing breath*

A copy of this book was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

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