A review by soph_reads_too_much
Lovely War by Julie Berry


This book blew my mind. It is impossible to put into words how much I loved this book. But I am going to try my best.

I don’t know what more I could have asked for in this book. Romance, History, Greek Mythology, Fiction. It is a recipe for perfection. From the first chapter I was hooked. The story being narrated by the Gods as Persephone defends to her husband why she has never experienced true love - even though she is the Goddess of Love, crazy right?

There was humour with the Gods making funny remarks and the mortals having their own wit. The romance was epic and I truly couldn't get enough of both couples and their journeys.

This book also had many shocks that I truly didn’t expect. When it comes to Historical Fiction books, particularly War books, I always expect a few things in this book and I truly thought I prepared myself for what was to come, but nothing could have prepared me for this book.

One minute I was squealing with how cute the book was getting, and the next I was balling my eyes out. Then I could breathe and stop crying but suddenly, again, I was crying. It was a complete and utter roller coaster.

This instantly became a favourite book for this year, and dare I say of all time. I will be recommending it to everyone I see!