A review by siobhan27
Boomerang by Noelle August


I love New Adult. I really do so when I see one written by the lovely Veronica Rossi? I knew I had to pick it up and ask for review it. I loved this book right from the beginning, both characters had a great voice that were both unique and yet readers could relate to them completely. It starts off with a bang, and the aftermath of a one night stand. What I think i liked the most about the concept of this book was how real it felt. I mean sleeping with someone you don't know is one things, but then having to go to work with them everyday? that's a whole new bag of worms.

We get to see both sides of this story with both parties having their own POV. I loved this because we are not only in the girls head, or the boys head. We get to see how both of these characters are thinking. and it adds a certain level of investment of us readers because we know how each of these characters feels about the other, and since they do not, we want to see where this goes.

This type of NA is the type I love to read. The character are not broken, they are not at a point in their life where it is life or death. These character were just in a tough spot after graduation. They each needed a job and they were each fighting for it. It felt extremely real, and the characters seemed genuine and likable without all the drama that you can see in other types of NA. The sexual tension between Mia and Ethan was palpable throughout the book and I loved reading it. It made the book that much more interesting because even though the characters kept denying it, there was something between them and it as great to read their discovery.

The aspect of family was very big in this book, and I loved reading these characters dedication to their family. They were always in the background, we always knew these characters were thinking about their family and that was extremely refreshing to read. You usually see family in NA but they are usually the cause of the problem, not the solution, and i loved reading that. The end of this book was great to read as well because it made complete sense for the characters and it felt genuine. I loved it.

Overall this book was a fantastic read. It is a refreshing gulp of fresh air in a genre that is way overdone at times. Noelle is a fantastic writer and I am so glad she dipped her toes in NA because she is a fresh voice that i will continue to read for years to come.