A review by floodfish
The Lodger by Karl Stevens


Yes, one more 20-something slice-of-life autobio comic, but very unlike any other I've encountered. The drawings/paintings are a joy throughout, the jokes (when they occur, which isn't all that frequently), are funny, and the plot/emotions are never self-pitying or solipsistic.

My two big complaints:

The book's production values seem low. Like cheap print-on-demand or something. The paper stock is glossy and floppy in a really unappealing way. And the color seems overly washed out.

The chronology is really confusing. It doesn't "ruin the story" or anything, but trying to make sense of what's current, what's a flashback, is really hard. I was often left wondering, is that the date the events took place or the date the page was drawn?