A review by abhishekjain
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams


This book deserves and lives up to all the hype that had been created around it. The author seems to be a super intelligent pan-dimensional humanoid creature who came up with this incredibly funny novel. He makes the universe a exciting and funny place to be. There is no denying that the novel has taken deep philosophical ideas - 'the meaning of life', 'free-will vs. fate', 'creation of universe' and woven an incredible sci-fi around it.
There a numerous instance in the novel where I couldn't stop laughing :

'think they take the occasional potshot to relive the monotony'

"No," came a thin metallic voice from the crater, "I'm mine."

And there are so many instance in the novel that cater to those deep philosophies and does it with such finesse

.. All through my life I've had this strange unaccountable feeling that something was going on in this world, something big, even sinister .."

"No,", said the old man, "that's just normal paranoia. Everyone in the universe has that."

..."but I always think that chances of finding out what really is going on are so absurdly remote that th eonly thing to do is to say hang the sense of it and just keep yourself occupied."

The part about Earth reminded me about the Rick and Morty episode where the Rick's car battery was a whole universe just to ensure that the battery is running eternally to power his car. It is so incredible really. The absurdity of it , the life is succinctly pointed out.

I also liked the part where Adams used Uncertainty principle as a concept to the Heart of Gold's drive. Pretty slick.

In short, if you are a sci-fi lover you cannot miss this incredible novel.