A review by acranebetweenthepages
Hook's Regret: A Science Fiction Retelling of Peter Pan by Ariele Sieling


When I first picked this up, I had never heard of a Sci-Fi retelling of Peter Pan and so I was very excited to try it! I had read a number of books by this author in the past and had loved them all so I had very high hopes for this one and I can officially say that this book lived up to my expectations perfectly. This takes the classic story in a unique direction and puts it in the same universe as her other books that she has written. This is amazing as you get to learn more and more about the universe as you read more of the books! These books also have awesome characters with amazing backstories that you get to learn more about as you read. This book is perfect for any fairytale retelling fans who are tired of reading the same few stories over and over again.
I received an advanced review copy for free, and I am reviewing this voluntarily.