A review by oliviaoverthinkseverything
First Position by Quenby Olson


First Position is my second time to read Ms. Olsen's work in less than a month, and I have to say I consider myself a budding fan. I loved Knotted (see my review here: https://readyourselftosleep.wordpress...), so it's no surprise I enjoyed this as well.

This fantastic little short story gives us a glimpse into a world most of us have seen only from the outside. Ballet, such a graceful and ephemeral art as observed from the audience, is in reality a tough, often bloody, business. Ms. Olson uses her personal experience to great effect, bringing the setting the life. Her descriptions are beautiful and so well executed that even I, someone with only a four year old's concept of the dance, felt like an insider.

The only reason I give this story four stars, rather than five, is that I wish it had been a little bit longer. Luca, Therese's mysterious love interest, felt a little flat to me. I didn't feel like I really knew much more about him by story's end than I did at the beginning. I would love to see a longer piece fleshing him out. Other than that, this story was great!

If you're looking for a quick, fun, clean read this holiday season, look no further. Definitely worth the download!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.