A review by cnorbury
Newsletter Ninja: How to Become an Author Mailing List Expert by Tammi Labrecque


A useful book mainly for all the resources and links that are included. But I can't stress enough that author mailing lists should be the main priority only for authors with at least several (three) published books. Reason: repeat sales and "sell-through," which means enticing readers with a freebie such as the first book in a series. Once they've read book one, many are likely to buy book two, perhaps most of those readers will buy book three, etc.

The author gives good suggestions for providing other freebies (she calls them cookies). But keep in mind that for writers, the best freebie is almost always something you've written such as a short story, character history, prequel or chapters that were "killed darlings."

Therefore, the best audience for this book are writers who are well into their careers and have published at least three or more books so they have a viable reason to spend time, money, and effort generating a large and active email list.