A review by mouse909
Come Together: The Science (and Art!) of Creating Lasting Sexual Connections by Emily Nagoski


As a single person, I came into this book with curiosity and the anticipation that one day I or a future partner will be facing challenges in the sex realm. Even though I’m not currently in a relationship, I did still get some good tidbits from her story like putting my frickin cuticle oil next to my bed because I tend to forget to oil my cuticles until I’m laying cozily in bed and not wanting to get up. Somewhat but not really relevant to the book—decide for yourself after reading ha. 

All in all, a very fascinating read that does a good job of balancing research with personal narratives whether that be the author’s or others interviewed for the book.

Update: have had this book on my mind a lot now and it has been a game changer in self pleasure. I used to be a do what will make it quick and get the prize type. But now I’ll take the backgrounds and detours knowing I’ll still get to the destination, but it is so much more enjoyable because I’m not worried about the destination. Instead I’m worried about how joyful the ride and experience is. If I make it to my destination during this trip, beautiful! If not, perhaps the next trip I will. But when I do reach my destination? It is a much sweeter, gratifying release.