A review by bookwormbunny
One Taste Too Many by Debra H. Goldstein


One Taste Too Many by Debra H. Goldstein is a cozy mystery novel that starts off with a death, and takes the reader on a ride of “who did it” and a series of complications, twists, and turns! There is so much at stake, and some things aren’t even seen immediately due to all of the chaos swirling all around the characters. So buckle up and get ready for a story that will hook you in as you scramble to figure out who is the guilty party…and why.
One Taste Too Many by Debra H. Goldstein is the first book that I have read by this author and once I got a taste of this book I couldn’t put it down. The author introduced me to twin sisters Emily and Sarah. Emily is a chef at Southwind, and due to being in the right place at the wrong time is suspected of murder. The victim? Sarah’s ex-husband Bill. While on one level I would have liked more background into Sarah’s and Bill’s former marriage and the details of the divorce, the author quickly kicks things into high gear when Sarah finds herself facing some legal woes herself. Catnapping and theft?! What?! Yep! Somebody seems to have it out for the sisters! Thankfully Sarah’s employer, Harlan, is willing to be a generous soul and help them out pro-bono. Something isn’t right though, and when another body drops more suspicion is thrown onto Emily. Sarah has her suspicions, but without solid proof, what can she do? There is a lot riding on the truth coming out, but can it come out before Sarah loses everything? And I mean EVERYTHING!
This is a great story! Now! Am I saying that you’re never going to get annoyed with the characters? Absolutely not! LOL! There are moments where I got annoyed with both sisters. Sarah learns that her sister is keeping lots of secrets, but she’s not the only one. Sarah gets annoying, too but I just get annoyed because she gets impatient or short with people out of frustration.
All in all, this is a well-written book and I enjoyed it immensely. The author gives the reader a dynamic cast of characters and keeps the reader guessing as to who the guilty party is almost until the very end. Just when you think it’s one person, the story slides to make you guess again. I love it! If you enjoy cozy mystery novels that throw in a few red herrings and keep you guessing then this is the book for you! I am rating this book 5 out of 5 stars. While “One Taste Too Many” may have been the case for unfortunate Bill, it won’t be the same for me. I look forward to reading more books by this author in the future.