A review by howardgo
Uncanny Magazine Issue 44: January/February 2022 by Shingai Njeri Kagunda, Christopher Caldwell, Leah Cypess, Dominik Parisien, Mehnaz Sahibzada, Caroline M. Yoachim, Wen-yi Lee, Lisabelle Tay, Louis Evans, Kylie Lee Baker, Natalia Theodoridou, Meg Elison, Michael Damian Thomas, Tina Connolly, Sarah Monette, Alex Jennings, Lincoln Michel, Lynne M. Thomas, Sonya Taaffe


I was disappointed by this issue. None of the fiction really connected for me. I felt like too much was left unclear on the background of the stories. The topics were very interesting, but the execution left me feeling like the stories could have been improved.

The one piece that really grabbed me was "Gone with the Clones: How Confederate Soft Power Twisted the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy". Briefly, the argument is that while the original Star Wars trilogy was based on WWII with the clear enemy being the Nazis and fascism, the prequels were based on the US Civil War, the meaning of which is much more messy due to the myth of the "Lost Cause". The best part was the author's amazing summary of how organizations like the Daughters of the Confederacy muddied the cause for the Confederacy from preserving slavery to a number of nebulous higher level ideas like states' rights (states' rights to do what?). Buying this issue is worth it just for this article.