A review by luana420
Star Wars: Darth Vader - Dark Lord of the Sith Vol. 4: Fortress Vader by Charles Soule


Vader makes a big mess on Coruscant so Palpatine decides it's time his boy moves out and gets his own place. That's right, it's the origin story for Vader's castle in Rogue One and the lava miners he had to fight to get it!

Palpatine being the asshole he is, of course sends him a housewarming gift: a cursed helmet bearing the soul of a dead Sith architecht whose ghost is still jonesin' to make a masterpiece! What follows is a pitch black comedy of the ghost trying and trying again, with Vader putting the helmet on a new stormtrooper/flunky each time he pisses him off too much and he kills the current host body.

Soule really fucking gets Star Wars.