A review by blueyorkie
The Code of Hammurabi by Hammurabi


Hammurabi remained in power thanks to his tenacity and great political ability, knowing how to take advantage of the best possible game of skill through pacts and alliances with contemporary kings. One of his first concerns was the implementation of law and order in the country, foundations that led to the internal unity of his kingdom. With great patience, self-mastery, and much political tact, he builds, through his victories and achievements, piece by piece, his vast empire. The critical feature in Hammurabi's reign is righteousness (justice, this contemporary thereof). He demonstrated a great effort to make justice reign, and any citizen had the right to appeal to the king. In the time of Hammurabi, centralism reached its peak. It will preserve the Code's Text in almost all of it, which scraped and lost 35 to 40 legal articles. Laws to punish possible crimes committed during the judicial process (1-5). The rules that regulate the patrimonial right (6-126). And if the dead were the son, the law of retaliation applies (117) - Laws governing family law and inheritance (127-195). Laws to Punish Bodily Injury (196-214) Were the laws of bodily harm only the same as equals? The rules that regulate the rights and duties of individual classes: Doctors (215-223). Veterinarians (224-225). Barbers (226-227). Bricklayers (228-233). Boatmen (234-240). The laws regulate prices and wages (241-277).
That part of the code is about regulating the entire labour market. New laws governing the possession of enslaved people (278-282) Established specific rules concerning enslaved people.
The emphasis gave to theft, agriculture, cattle ranching, property damage, murder, death and injury. The punishment or penalty is different for each class. Laws do not tolerate excuses or explanations for errors or failures: the code was freely displayed in plain sight so that no one could plead ignorance of the law as an excuse. However, few people knew how to read at that time.