A review by bookishexpat
Witch Slap by Val St. Crowe


This book. How can I put it? Just as I was starting to think it may make up for its faults, it ended. With a really lame, gimmicky cliff-hanger. Come ON.

Still, I’m having trouble reviewing it. It has a decent hook — magically talented misfit with dysfunctional family goes to magical school and turns out to be one of their only hopes to save the world. I know it sounds somewhat unoriginal, but the setup is actually pretty decent and the characters likable.
What’s not good is the writing. It reads like a kid’s diary, like those shows where the narrator is a child and they keep getting ahead of themselves and have to backtrack and explain things. For quite a long while, there is a lot of telling and not very much showing and I felt like I was trying to watch a show when I’d missed the first two seasons.

Another thing I didn’t like was that the characters could have been so much more, but they were not really developed, so things just kind of fall flat. It doesn’t help that the dialogue is quite uninspired. Seriously, if these were real people they’d have zero game.

Not planning to read the rest of the series. Moving on.