A review by lilybear
Aftermath by L.A. Witt


"There is life after death" is one of my favorite lit quotes ever and completely embodies this book. Two men, broken and torn down by life find solace and acceptance in one another.
Brent is broken in body and spirit as a car accident leaves him barely mobile and ends his hockey career. Jon is still healing after a messy divorce. Starved for emotional and physical intimacy they start a relationship of convenience. I will admit at no point was such a bare stripping of raw emotion 'fuck buddy' territory. So low points for sex friends to boyfriend troupe. But I still appreciated the realness of it all. The sweetness of Jon's son and their dogs as they unintentionally became a family was just to die for!!! I loved it so hard.
It's a bit of a spoiler but I have to mention the ED. I loved how Brent and Jon's sexual relationship still existed despite it. How LA Witt made a point in saying that orgasims don't define sex and that two people can still enjoy a physical relationship without them. It just touched something in my asexual heart. Just beautiful.
If I had to name a flaw I'd say that the angst did get a little repetitive. But that's how life is. When things go wrong we agonize over it again and again.