A review by cowdisease125
Contact by Carl Sagan


I am not mathematically or scientifically minded. Maths in particular makes me feel sick. The numbers sort of blend together and I can't process what I'm seeing. I mean, beyond simple calculations I am useless.

So I thought I'd struggle with this book. And I did. But I tell you what? The story and the characters more than made me want to power through the confusion and the nausea the mathematic and scientific explanations - of which there are a few - gave me. And it was so worth it.

This is very much a science fiction story but it's also an exploration of science and theology and, perhaps most importantly, what it is to be human. At least to me.

It was a superb story and well-written. The only thing that stopped me from giving it a fifth star was a comment toward the end of the book about people with disabilities or 'slightly malformed beings'. Even within the context I found it to be random and ignorant and, as a slightly malformed being myself, I found it hard not to take personally.