A review by alykat_reads
The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine by Michael Lewis

informative fast-paced


 I watched The Big Short on Netflix the other day and was curious to know more so I picked this up. As a person with a financial background, has an education in finance and studied the stock market specifically for a semester, this stuff is still complicated to me. Shorts, CDOs, tranches, mortgage backed securities, etc. It's a lot on the financial side. This only furthered my *unpopular opinion* that the stock market is just a huge scam, another in which the rich get richer while the poor get poorer. I recall when the regulations on lending were rolled back in 2017, you know, those ones that were implemented in 2009 after this whole thing, and wondered if people had amnesia from what happened 8 years prior. Yeah, it sucks getting denied for a mortgage, but it's better than being approved for an ARM and then not being able to make the payments in 2 years. There's a reason regulations should be in place, and this is exactly it. The stock market is not infallible and it really concerns me when people think it is. I won't go off more on that tangent, but this is definitely excellent reading to see just how shady the financial sector/Wall Street actually is.