A review by b1llz1lla
The Queen of Crows by Monica Valentinelli, Leanne Buckley, Shari Hill


We are living in a new age of publishing. Digital products are on the verge of becoming the norm rather than the exception, which is one of the things that makes Queen of Crows such an exciting project. Written by Monica Valentinelli, Queen of Crows is a story about a Navajo Medicine Man, Tse, who must perform a powerful ritual in an attempt to save his people. The question is, will the ritual work and summon a powerful spirit to help Tse's people, or will it only cause more grief and suffering?

One of several intriguing things about this book is that it's a short story publishing without benefit of an anthology wrapped around it like a comforting blanket. Valentinelli puts her story out there (along with a nice assortment of bonus features) and it's a tale strong enough to stand on its own two feet.

Besides the story itself, this ebook package also includes a number of bonus features: a first draft of the story - dramatically different from the finished product; folkloric background on one of the major characters; an introduction to Valentinelli's work-in-progress, Violet War; a letter to the reader; and a brief note explaining the inspiration for the story. The fact that this package exists is a tantalizing taste of things to come in the publishing world. This ebook gives the reader a look into the mind of the author, providing tantalizing hints of insight and previews of things to come. In addition, this package includes a beautiful, full-color rendering of the character Mahochepi, the Queen of Crows herself, lovingly brought to life by Leanne Buckley.

Buy this ebook for the story; you won't be disappointed. Consider the additional features a very large bonus, making the pittance paid for this work seem trivial indeed.