A review by amarylissw
Crimson Bound by Rosamund Hodge


4.5 stars, but I'm rounding up.

I don't remember much from reading Cruel Beauty, however, after reading this little gem, I might have to re-read that one (I get the feeling I kind of skimmed through that one after a bit . . .). This story immediately sucked me in, left me breathless. There was never a dull moment. All the characters were well fleshed out, with all their flaws and intricacies.

Our protagonist, Rachelle, was awesome. She had guts and wit, strength and fears and faults. Her dynamics with the other characters were all interesting to watch. There was a slight love triangle, although I'm not sure I can call it that. Erec is an interesting character, one whom is steeped in mystery and charm. Armand, on the other hand, is open and sweet (adorable, really).

The plot, to me, was very fast-paced, and well-developed. It intertwined perfectly with the fantasy setting and the bigotry against the bloodbounds, the impending doom of the Devourer, and everything else.

Hodge's writing is beautiful. There were a few sentences that were kind of odd that I had to read twice. But her descriptions were amazing, her character development and setting brilliant.

Overall, I think I enjoyed this book a lot more than Cruel Beauty. However, I'd have to relook at that one to make sure.