A review by kdealtn
The Unbound Witch by Miranda Lyn


The Unbound Witch continues the story of Raven and Bastian from The Unmarked Witch. This book picks up right where the last left off and focuses on everyone recovering from the events at the end of The Unmarked Witch and trying to figure out how to save their world. One thing I loved about these books is the relationship between Raven and her best friend, Kirsi who entered the trials with her. Kirsi is fiesty and very protective of Raven. They love and support each other even when they don't agree with each other, the dynamic between them is what everyone longs for with a true best friend. I don't want to spoil The Unmarked Witch so I wont go into details but Raven and Bastian have to find a way to continue on with their relationship and forgiveness needs to be granted for things not revealed in the previous story. As the story progresses, other characters enter the fray to help form a found family that will stand by each other and fight for what's right. Miranda Lyn did an amazing job creating character that we will root for and love and mourn. This book was an excellent conclusion to The Unmarked Witch and was very satisfying to me as a reader. I highly recommend it to readers who love found family, fast-paced stories with high stakes.