A review by somarostam
Adorkable by Sarra Manning


This was utterly different but perfectly satisfying. This book had me hooked from the blurb, the positive reviews, the unique name, and the gorgeous cover! I am so glad I read this one. "Please ignore my CAPITALIZED letters, I started using them a few days ago; I find myself really enjoying them and using them to put stress on some words . So sorry if it bothers you."
Jeane Smith, is different,. She wears exotic clothes, bought from jumble sales. She colors her hair bizarre colors, like grey or white! She is loud and sarcastic. She tweets every five seconds and she is the founder of the popular blog "Adorkable", that's exactly was Jeane is: Adorkable
Jeane accepts her dorkiness, and wears it like a shield. She even has an almost-understanding boyfriend; well,maybe. When Jeane finds out that her boyfriend is cheating on her with Michael Lee's girlfriend; an unlikely bond forms between her and Michael. What starts as a friends-with-benefits relationship, turns into something more. Plus, her blog is getting much more attention. But, life is still a lonely roller coaster ride for Jeane, or is it?
What will happen between Jeane and Michael? Will Jeane truly embrace her dorkiness or turn into normalcy? Find out what will happen in Jeane's ADORKABLE world, when you read this realistic, emotional, think-out-of-the-box book, Adorkable...
I liked this book SO much. I consider myself a fan of Contemporary novels but I find them forgettable. I just feel like books in the Contemporary genre don't stick around long enough in my mind to be remembered, although that's not the case
with every contemporary novel I read. For example, I am pretty sure that this novel will stick around with me for long and I will be recommending this over and over!
This is the first Sara Manning book I read and let me tell you, she is an exceptional novelist. The way she twists and turns the story is wonderful. She never fully describes the places and the scenery, she just lets you into the mind of one of the characters; lets you float around whenever you like.
I LOVED the fact that Sara Manning used two POVs, one of Jeane, and one of Michael. Because of what happens between them through the book, I found it refreshing to be able to read from both of them and I also found that it was requiring from the author to write from two POVs or the story wouldn't have the same taste or the affect it has over me, now.
Enough babbling, I will shorten this review up. The description, characters, character development, romance, and plot are wisely-constructed and unique. This book is one of the most enjoyable contemporary read I have read in a LONG time, although it didn't "wow" me. I am recommending this to everyone who is on for some fun, sarcasm, love, and a self-discovering journey.
I will finish this review with one sentence: ADORKABLE is ADORABLE.