A review by erikars
Archangel by Marguerite Reed


This book had an intriguing plot and interesting characters, especially the main characters, but it also had a number of first-time-novelist rough edges. In particular, without giving spoilers, the plot arc was fairly dependent on the main character refusing to listen to a piece of information that was dangled in front of her the whole time. To balance that, there were many things I enjoyed, including having a main character who was a mother (although reading about memories of giving birth near the time I should have been birthing my lost little girl was more than I could really handle, especially while sitting in an airport). The book opened more plot doors than it had time to close, but that's something I am willing to forgive in the first of a series.

I saw strong resemblances between this and [book:The Dispossessed|13651]. Not direct borrowing, but more a general sense that Reed wanted to explore some of the same ideas Le Guin explored in that book in a different setting.

All in all, I'm cautiously optimistic for the release of the second novel.