A review by stormywolf
How to Be a Person: The Stranger's Guide to College, Sex, Intoxicants, Tacos, and Life Itself by Dan Savage, Christopher Frizzelle, Lindy West


This book definitely won't be for everyone. For one thing, you have to have a sense of humor. If you don't at least smile at the inside flap, then drop this book now, because I can almost guarantee that you won't like it. In addition to prolific swearing, the book contains a LONG, detailed chapter concerning sex—straight, gay, lesbian, bi and trans—by way of real written letters and responses a la "Dear Abby", and a chapter on politics (specifically describing Republicans and Feminists). However, there are also laundry tips, tested recipes, and true stories of working in restaurants.

I guess I'd recommend it to anyone who is really, really stressed about going off to college who has a sense of humor and an open mind. A lot of statements in the book are there purely for comedic effect (see the sections on music and books), but there are quite a few sincere pieces of advice as well (see the chapter on Drugs).

I don't know if I would have picked this up before heading off to college, and if I had, I don't know if it would have changed much of my experience. But I do think that voicing and addressing some of the fears a newly graduated 17/18-year-old can be helpful, even (especially) when delivered in a comedic and frank fashion.

Approximate Reading Time: 4.5 hours