A review by justjacq
Demystifying Disability: What to Know, What to Say, and How to Be an Ally by Emily Ladau

informative inspiring reflective fast-paced


This is such a great resource for anyone who wants to learn more about disability and being a good ally. Ladau does an awesome job keeping the conversation simple and easy to follow - it's super digestible. I found the chapter on language/terminology really helpful, as I often wonder about the most appropriate ways to address disabilities. What's sad is that I feel like a good bit of this book is asking people to use common sense - I know, I know, common sense isn't common. Ask someone if they need help before helping, adjust to someone's eye level when speaking, don't speak down to someone, etc... these things are things we should be conscious of with all people and it's absurd how often a person with a disability has to endure dealing with someone who ignores all these common sense things simply because they're speaking to someone who has a disability. It also helped me to recognize how far we have to go to make accessibility the norm in so many areas of daily life - curbs, elevators, ramps, screen readers, apps and smart devices, etc - there are still so many things we need to do to make the world equally accessible for everyone. Everyone and anyone would benefit from reading this.