A review by bergsteiger
To the Far Blue Mountains by Louis L'Amour


Wow. This series went downhill quick. To start off with, literally nothing happened the first 30 pages except for Barnabas repeating his mantra of being a self-made man and how he was going to a new land to make a name for himself. Then when the action finally started it became very repetitive. Every sea adventure and every land battle was simply recycle, repeat.

The real challenge though, was with willing suspension of disbelief. Barnabas' knowledge base was far beyond a 16th century fen dweller. He knew about concussions, the voyages of Zheng He, and all the customs and people of the "New World", just to give a few examples. And his escape from the Queen's jail was simply ridiculous. He is thrown in a cell, needs to escape that night before he is tortured and digs some mortar out from around the bars, pulls them out and gets away over the rooftops.

Look, I get this is Louis L'Amour and these books aren't meant to be anything besides entertaining, but this a poor showing, even within the adventure genre. This book, single-handedly, has turned me off this series. I can't invest the months it would take to read all these books if they are of such sub-standard quality. I still have a few of his books I am going to check out, but the Sackett series is a bust.