A review by kbranfield
Gone by Midnight by Candice Fox


4.5 stars.

The third installment in the Crimson Lake series, Gone by Midnight by Candice Fox is a suspense-laden mystery about a missing eight year old boy.

Local police in and around Cairns are rather emphatic about NOT working with Ted Conkaffey and Amanda Pharrell.  Unfortunately for Chief Superintendent Damian Clark, Sara Farrow, whose son Richie vanished from a Cairns' hotel, has requested Ted's assistance.  He also gives in to Ted's request that Amanda work with him on the case due to the urgency in locating the missing child. Ted and Amanda are soon reviewing CCTV footage, re-searching the hotel and questioning local men on the offenders' list. As days pass without new information, will Amanda and Ted find Richie before it is too late?

Although the allegations against Ted have been quasi resolved, he still faces a great deal of animosity and disgust from the local police. But fortunately for Ted, his ex-wife Kelly is finally giving him the chance to spend quality time with their daughter Lillian.  While thrilled at the opportunity to get to get to know his little girl, the timing of  the visit could not be worse.  Unable to stay away from the investigation, Ted finds an unlikely babysitter to stay with Lillian while he and Amanda desperately hope for leads in Richie's disappearance.

Amanda remains ratherquirky yet quite appealing. She still manages to irritate most everyone she meets and unbeknownst to her, she has become the target of revenge. Trying to ignore the increasingly menacing situation,  Amanda remains focused on solving the mystery of what happened to young Richie.  However, as that attacks on her becoming increasingly virulent, Chief Superintendent Clark is losing patience with Amanda. Can she convince him that she is telling the truth about what is happening to her?

The investigation into Richie's disappearance is tense as his friends are questioned about the night he vanished. The stories from the three boys are creative yet implausible.  Ted is extremely sympathetic to  Sara but he is a little troubled by some of her reactions. Ex-husband Henry has little information about his son and some of his behavior is also questionable. A worker at the hotel catches both Ted and Amanda's attention, but does the employee have anything to do with Richie's disappearance?

Gone by Midnight is a multi-layered, compelling mystery. Mentally, Ted is in a much better place but his past still casts a long shadow over him. Amanda is not one to take threats lying down but the situation soon spirals into very dangerous territory. The investigation surrounding into what happened to Richie moves at a slow but steady pace. With both Amanda and Ted trying to uncover the truth about the young boy, Candice Fox brings this riveting mystery to an unpredictable and stunning conclusion.

The Crimson Lake series is delightfully unique and features two of the best crime-fighters in the genre.  I highly recommend both this latest addition and the previous novels in this superb series.