A review by aelynreads
Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas



This book was incredible. I just couldn't stop reading!

Celaena, the main character, is super badass and just all round awesome. I love the fact that she's an assassin and her mysterious history kept me hooked. Although she is kind of arrogant, I think that just makes her more relatable and realistic.
Most badass female leads just completely lose my respect when they fall into love triangles because they stop being cool and just end up swooning over the guys, but Celaena's reaction is so understandable and she still maintains her strong, independent vibe. Sure, there are moments when she talks about how dreamy the guys are and how much she wants to kiss them, but hey, she's a teenage girl with hormones. You can tell that she genuinely cares about both of them, and I wasn't actually annoyed by the love triangle (for once).

Chaol is my favourite character! His detached manner makes him very desirable, and so, when rare moments show his sense of humour or vulnerability, well, I just fall in love. I'm such a sucker for that type of guy in books.

Dorian is also an interesting character. I didn't really feel any connection to him, and I'm not quite sure why Celaena falls for him (but then I suppose I am heavily biased towards Chaol). However, he does have a great sense of humour that kept me amused throughout the book.

I love the way this book is written. The style is similar to the Harry Potter books in that it's in third person and the narrative mainly focuses on the main character, Celaena, and what she's thinking and doing, but it does sometimes focus on Chaol and Dorian, which I think helps you to understand their characters a bit more because there is a lot of depth to them that you don't see when the narrative focuses on Celaena.

One of the things I loved the most about this book is the fact that you don't get all the information straight away. The world building and the inclusion of magic is constructed slowly throughout the book so that the more you read, the further you get dragged into the world. Honestly, it was so hard to put the book down and go to sleep!

I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who loves fantasy, magic and books with interesting and shocking plot twists.