A review by ohemgeebooks
Olive the Lionheart: Lost Love, Imperial Spies, and One Woman's Journey Into the Heart of Africa by Brad Ricca


“A woman,” replied Olive, “is always capable of doing what she wanted to.”

It’s 1910 and Olive MacLeod, a feisty redheaded Scottish aristocrat, has learned that her fiancé, the famous naturalist Boyd Alexander is missing.
And she decides to go find him.
The author, Brad Ricca, uses Olive’s own letters and secret diaries to piece together this epic journey through Africa where she encounters cannibals, haunted forests, and warlords.

Wow! What a story! I can not even imagine traveling through Africa, basically solo, in 1910. Olive is fierce and determined- and what luck for Ricca to have been given these letters and journals (which is another fascinating part of the story). It is marketed as Indiana Jones meets Jane Eyre. But this is only true of Indiana Jones wore dresses...in swamps...filled with hippos.