A review by lawbooks600
Infinity by Jus Accardo


7/10, looking back at this book I realised that it had some flaws but it was still an enjoyable read overall despite them since there were some positive aspects to compensate for that. Infinity by Jus Accardo is a unique novel about Kori Anderson discovering a secret United States Government project which was that they were working on travelling to different dimensions and I thought that would be a great book but alas, it was just an ok book due to its execution. The characters were fine and got the job done and they were just neutral and the antagonist named Dylan was in the background most of the time but that built up some suspense which I liked. The pacing was mostly slow despite the book being just 320 pages but at least there were some cool action scenes here and there within it like the ending and jumping between dimensions. The only thing that changed between them were the people and the buildings which now that I look back other books have done this type of thing before so now it's not that original anymore. I think there are two more books in the series but I doubt that my library would get them but I would gladly read them if they got them. If you like books about travelling to different dimensions this one is for you.