A review by winemakerssister
No Judgments: A Novel by Meg Cabot


3.5 stars

I hesitated to read this because of the widely disparate reviews. People seem to either love it or hate it. When I discovered it on Libby, I figured it was worth trying since it was free.

Happily, I enjoyed it quite a bit. I liked Bree a lot. Drew was a little harder to 'get' - he's portrayed as an ex-player who loves dogs. Unfortunately we really don't get to know him beyond that.

There are a lot of trigger warnings in other reviews about animal cruelty. I was happy to discover that there was less than I expected from reading the warnings. A jerk kicks a dog twice in a bar, and the dog is promptly rescued. People leave their pets behind in the hurricane for a variety of reasons, and although a few are touch-and-go for a short time, all are fine in the end.

Cover: Cute. Love the Border Collie!
Narrator: Piper Goodeve did a really nice job.
Hogwarts Sorting Hat: I think Bree is a Hufflepuff with some Gryffindor tendencies. We're not given enough information about Drew to sort him.

Themes: Florida Keys, hurricane, animal rescue, family, cafe