A review by lawbooks600
The Unstoppable Wasp by Sam Maggs


6/10, I really didn't like this one despite its interesting premise and I think this is the first Marvel novel in prose that I read and it was just a shame that it underwhelmed me so badly. The story begins with Nadia Van Dyne and 4 other girls in an organisation called, guess what, G.I.R.L. The pacing of this book is sluggish considering that this book is less than 300 pages mainly due to the prose that just goes on and on without stopping and should've been cut down for a more action packed novel but this is not the case here. Then she discovers an A.I. called VERA but looking there's a lot of books mentioning A.I. and now it's prevalent in the form of ChatGPT and DALLE so it feels really uncanny looking at it now since it looks like unintended foreshadowing due to this book being published in 2020. Anyways, VERA controls Nadia's mind and makes her all annoying and focused on her project which was a massive reason why I didn't like this book but in the end the other girls broke in to the headquarters of the person who made VERA and saved the day and that is it but another aspect I didn't like was that Nadia liked to explain things. A lot, so much so that she really got on my nerves and I almost put the book down. If you like Marvel books this one is for you but if you want a better sci-fi novel try Legend by Marie Lu.